Say hello to 100x strategic growth.

Tired of unpredictable lead flow? We help sales-driven businesses to scale their lead generation without scaling their sales team with battle-tested sales tech systems.

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clay brain automindz solutions
We turn hours of manual work into strategic growth, ensuring every touchpoint in your sales process is an opportunity for conversion while scaling your pipeline.

The old way of outbound lead gen is broken.

Finding right leads on scale

Spray and pray doesn't work anymore and will only ruin deliverability.

Who still relies on a single data source won't be able to compete with skilled teams using Clay and other Sales-Tech to generate and capture their demand.

clay magnifying glass, lead finder, ai automation
clay brain, outreach personalization with ai

Scalable personalization

Prospects won't respond to generic copy that is not relevant anymore.

While scaling this level of personalization would take a sales team ages. You can now do this within minutes by using the right data sources and AI.

Stand out in your market

Relevance and intent signals are more accessible than ever to let your message pop up when it's likely they need your product or service.

We monitor all kinds of signals so we don't miss an opportunity and send leads into campaigns with personalized messages across email and LinkedIn.

clay marketplace stand out with intent trigger based outreach

Scale your pipeline without an army of sales rep's.

Grow your pipeline with qualified leads on autopilot.

Ever had a dream that new meetings would just knock at your door? It might have just come true. While your team can focus on closing deals, our team grows your pipeline with trigger based, relevant outreach campaigns. We take over everything from list building, copywriting and running the campaigns. All you need to do is seal the deal.

clay lead gen system, outbound automation, ai

Scale your pipeline without scaling your team.

Your sales team does everything other than prospecting? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a system that does outreach on autopilot so your team can engage with interested leads? Let us set up your automated outbound engine that integrates with your tool stack and stays in your business.

clay sales process automation, efficiency increase

Ramp up inbound lead gen with an Allbound Engine. 

The future of sales is inbound led outbound. Combining content that positions you as an expert with a system that qualifies and reaches out to people that engage with it can deliver extraordinary results. We’ll craft a tailored strategy and build an engine that turns your engagement into inbound leads 

ai content system for inbound lead gen

Navigate the fast-paced sales tech space with experts.

Find yourself stuck where to start with all the new sales tech out there? That’s where we can lend a brain cell and help you navigate this space where new tools pop up almost every day. With a team of certified Clay experts we’re at the pulse of the time, helping you build the right setup.

ai strategy consulting, sales consulting
Mastering sales tools can be complex. We did the heavy lifting and studied the hottest tools to turn their potential into your sales superpower.
Discover Sales Automation Tools
clay toolbox automindz solutions automation tools ai tools

Get the results of the most innovative sales tools, run by experts.

There's a learning curve to all of these tools. Our team of certified experts gets you set up and optimized and always knows about new features to implement into your workflows.

ai sales tools for outbound lead gen
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Can turn a single person into an outbound marketing engine that opens opportunities for your sales team to engage with.

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Sequenced email sending tool we use to send thousands of emails per day without landing in spam folder.

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Database and organization powerhouse we use to build custom projects and automation logics.

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In a free 30-minute call we identify bottlenecks and opportunities for pipeline growth in your process. You'll walk away with clear action steps tailored to your business.
Book a free Audit
Clay brains stacked automindz solutions ai audit

Get in touch today.

Think your business could need a touch of AI automation? Let's have a chat and see how AI can fit into your business.

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niklas huetzen founder automindz solutions
Niklas Huetzen
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“In 5 years there will be no business that is not using AI in their processes as the ones that did, took their market share.”

Fabian Herhold
Fabian Herhold
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“AI in sales has the potential to take over so many mundane tasks. It already does for me so I can focus on more productive work.”

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